Step Up and Co-Create
A Bright Future at Home, at Work & in the World
Do you know that the Leadership Game and its Rules have changed?
And are you familiar with the New Game and the 7 Facets of 21st Century Leadership?
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Is your FQ (Feminine Intelligence) high enough to be futurefit?
Did you know that FQ is the Prerequisite for Surviving and Thriving in the Regenerative Era, regardless of gender?
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Do you realize that any leadership training that only speaks to the intellect is unable to create any lasting changes?
Do you know that we work with ALL intelligences and use both ancient and cutting edge hacks to help you rewire the brain and free you from Reactivity?
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Upgrade to 21st Century Leadership

Upgrade your team: Talks & Workshops
Kirsten Stendevad has two decades of experience as a keynote speaker and workshop leader in Danish and English. She can also work in French and German.
She has held workshops at Harvard Business School, MIT, Simmons Graduate School of Management and many more.

The Rapid Growth Leadership Method
A leadership journey for rapid growth companies who want to align Founders, Leaders, Teams and Investors with the 7 facets of 21st Century Leadership, thereby standing a better chance of being one of the 1/3 rapid growth companies that are still alive after the first 5-8 years.
Our Illuminary Leadership Navigator connect everyone around the same timeless virtues while using cutting edge technologies to ensure LASTING change. Founders, Investors and CEO´s: start with yourself.
Programs at the Illumina International Leadership Academy

7 Facets of 21st Century Leadership
Learn about the 7 Leadership (R)Evolutions you and your company will need to embody if you want to survive and thrive in the new radically different era.
Acting with yesterdays logic will kill the future of your business (and perhaps even your grandchildren).

How to go up vs down
If crisis is the new norm, let´s get good at it.
Because a crisis is a terrible thing - to waste.
Teach your team to take advantage of the crisis window - at home, at work and in the World.

Illuminary Feminine Leadership
Are you in dopamine overdrive or gasping for estrogen in a testosteron dominated C-suite?
Ready to experience the (Business) Magic of fully Awakened Feminine Superpowers?
Elle-vate to the next level of your urgently needed Worldchanging leadership in an accomplished, international si-STARhood.

Shape up in the Illumi-Neurogym
Upgrade yourself and your team in 12 weeks and 3 simple steps:
1) Rewire your brain
2) Get rid of emotional triggers
3) Build the foundational future skills
Can be scaled to help an entire organization play by the same futureproof rules.

Illuminary Future Leadership
It takes 9 months to be reborn as a leader of a brighter future for yourself, your business and the World.
Learn the 7 Facets of 21st Century Leadership so you can achieve more with less.
Futureproof your career & company by becoming a Lighthouse for the new ways of working & leading.

Illuminary (System) Leadership
Cutting edge leadership program for the top executive, founder & investor responsible for the systemic changes urgently needed to futureproof any company.
You can only elevate and expand an organisation to your own level of awareness, wholesomeness and integrity.
Avoid dinosauring yourself and your business(es) by upgrading to 21st Century OS.
Meet our Founder
Kirsten Stendevad, MA, is a Nordic thoughtleader, Leadership Developer and Keynote Speaker. She works as an Awakener of a more Isogynous Future, a Catalyst for Regenerative Transformation and Evolutionary Crisis midwife.
She has co-written 8 trendsetting books on 21st Century Paradigms and given workshops at Harvard Business School, MIT, NYU, McKinsey & co., Mercedes, Novo Nordisk, Nordea Bank and many more.
Since 2003 Kirsten and her faculty of cutting edge experts have trained countless leaders, entrepreneurs and change makers in the leadership of the new era.
Illumina International is a boutique Leadership Academy specializing in EMBODIED 21st Century leadership. Therefore our training includes working with ALL intelligences (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, erotic, energetic, natural and collective). Our faculty doesn´t only TEACH, wealso TRANSMIT the energy and consciousness of the new era. We constantly update ourselves so we can evolve our leadership participants at the speed of Technology which is the ONLY way to enable HUMAN competition with AI. We also attract interesting, accomplished, ambitious and progressive clients. At this Academy you are sure to meet the frontrunners who actively strive to shape a bright future - for All.
Favorite quotes:
“A problem cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created it.” Albert Einstein
“The planet can not get into balance before we are " Marianne Williamsson
“The best way to predict the future is to co-create it” Peter Drucker
“Women are the Worlds Greatest Untapped Natural Resource” Care
“Why go down when it´s possible to go up?” Calle Montsegur
”The illiterate of the 21st Century are those who are unable to unlearn and shed the beliefs and stories of the 20th Century. Acting with yesterdays logic will kill the future of your business” Minou Schillings
Read MoreCheck out what is said about us.

Have become more creative, productive and visionary
“I have learned so much that has changed so much for me. I have significantly strengthened my self-worth and my direction, and my creativity and productivity have increased while my stress has decreased. I've got new good work habits, a great network and now even "impossible" dreams seem realistic"

“Nominated as Leader of the year and Colleague of the year”
“My current leadership training with Kirsten is the most transformative i have ever experienced. The fact that it lasts almost a year and with monthly and weekly virtual meetings, makes it impossible not to establish new practices... I have gained more physical strength, inner peace and not least more joy of life in general. The support from both Kirsten, her eminent and inspiring co-leaders and the entire cheering choir on the team means that i am now rooted in a community that gives me great strength and inspiration for my everyday life. With the results we already see for ourselves, those of us who participate in Kirsten's training this year, I can not imagine anyone other than Kirsten, who can bring a group of leaders regardless of their gender, so far in such a short time - and with so much joy, laughter, togetherness, inspiration, energy, spirit, motivation and perseverance. Kirsten is truly a master at bringing out the most beautiful light in all of us and ensuring that we are nourished for both body and soul. I have just been told that i am now both nominated for Colleague of the Year and Leader of the Year - it would not have happened without this training!"

“The best I have done for my career - it beats all outplacement programs”
“The leadership development course as a feminine future leader: it's the best thing i've done in my career, as the training deals with all the tools needed to lead in the new age as a whole person with the use of a feminine and masculine mind-set and practices. Highly recommend Kirsten Stendevad's training to everyone. It beats all outplacement programs"

5 star speaker
You got by far the highest evaluation: 5-figures from all participants on a scale of 1-5: well done

You moved us!
"It was a great talk you delivered to Kirsten. I'm sure the "moved" something in everyone present. With people like you in the world there is hope"
Helping you evolve your Leadership and Humanity at the speed of Technology.
ILLUMINA is latin for "Please Enlighten me".
This academy is your place to go for AHA´s
- insights that break the chains of the old ways and forge the new.
The purpose is to be a catalyst for more Light on the planet as Light is Life-giving and Life-affirming. When Leaders embody the 7 Facets of 21st Century Leadership, they become Lighthouses who show the way forward to a Bright Future - at Home, at Work and in the World.